離乳食提供のための食材チェック表 (Food Ingredient Questionnaire)

 Please review the list and mark each food that you have given to your child thus far. When your child becomes 18 months old, we will use all ingredients. 

初期離乳食★Primary Stage

中期★Middle Stage

後期★Last Stage

完了期★Complete Stage


You can download the template for the important document below.

Medication Administration Request Form(与薬依頼書)
This form is required if your child absolutely must take a prescribed medication during preschool hours. やむを得ず在園時間内に与薬する必要がある場合 本紙ご記入のうえ、医師の処方薬とともにご持参ください。

Preschool Entry Permission Form(登園許可書)
In the case of an infectious disease, this form must be filled in by a doctor at a medical institution for your child to return to the preschool. 感染症に罹患した場合 本紙を医療機関へ持参し、医師に記入してもらうことにより、再登園が可能になります。

Emergency Contact Information Registration Form(緊急連絡先登録用紙)
If there is a change to your address or phone number, or other emergency contact information, please print, fill in and submit this form to the preschool. 住所・電話番号等 緊急時の連絡先に変更が生じた場合 本紙を印刷・記入し、ご提出ください。

Child Registration Form(児童票)
This form needs to be renewed every year; please download, fill out, and submit it by the end of March. 毎年度更新が必要です。3月になりましたらダウンロードし、ご記入のうえ、3月末日までにご提出ください。

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Japan Family Child Care Society